Jonathan G

Week 1

I helped with design choices on the data side as well as the UI side.

Week 2

I set up a database in the cloud which was not used at the end because we were able to fetch data from echonest.

Week 3

I organized the databse,and validated the data.

Week 4

I worked with the map Using the Google API.

Week 5

I continued working on the map, adding features and integrating it with the UI.

Ryan J

Week 1

During Week one I started grabbing data from echonest using a python script. In my initial run I grab all the available genres that echonest had on their servers. Once I had the genres I went through each genre and grab list of 100 artist at a time. From each genre I was able to grab 900 artist. This process took about 3 to 4 days to get done.

Week 2

In the second week grab data that was going to be used for the top 10 artist for each decade. I ended creating another python script to grab this data. The inital idea that group agreed upon was to used the data I grabbed to put it into a database.This idea was later scrapped to have the data localized into the website itself.

Week 3

During week three, I took the existing data that I had to create a list for the top 10 genres. I how I did this was to first sort the list of artist that I had by genre and year, I than ran a python script that would caculate median of the hotttness rating for each artist. In my script it also counted the number of artist that was in a particualar genre. Initally I was going to use the hottness to to find the top 10 for decade. One thing that noticed in my data was genres that didn't exist in particular time periods and I ended going by the number of artist. There were artist who existed in certain time period but were claimed under genre that did not exist yet.

Week 4

In the final week of the project I started creating the timeline that we ended up using in visualization. For the time I used the data that got from processing the artist list to get a list of the top 10 per decade. During that week I added the basic c functions to the timeline that allowed it highlight information.

Ryan M

User interface and layout

Week 1

Pushed the skeleton code, started on layout on the user part of the interface. Added tabs for the 3 parts.

Week 2

Finished adding elements first user panel interface. This includes textboxes, checkboxes, and buttons, created shared space

Week 3

Combined the 3 visualizations provided by group into the shared space. Various size fixes. Made everything responsive,

Week 4

Used provided methods to integrate functions such as adding and removing artists and genres to the lists, populating drop down menus

Week 5

added second user panel, integrated all features to it including adding genres and artists.


Data, Visualization and UI

Week 1

Created an initial sketch of the UI.

Week 2

Wrote the compliex pipeline code to download the top100.json data file which is used by the team. It helped kickstart visualization work.

Week 3

Developed the common library for access to the echonest library, as well as other useful utilities such as common color coding of genres.

Week 4

Developed the force-directed graph component.

Week 5

Created the artistdata.js library for easier implementation of the UI controls. Developed prototypes of UI implementations which helped UI work.